ICI Education Foundation

ICI Education Foundation and the Toigo Foundation Announce Financial Scholarship Recipients

Washington, DC; October 27, 2020—The Investment Company Institute Education Foundation (ICIEF), through its partnership with the Toigo Foundation, has awarded grants to two fellows—William Bryant, a master of business administration (MBA) candidate in the New York University Stern School of Business (class of 2022), and Eileen Gao, University of Pennsylvania Wharton Business School MBA (2021). Both fellows will use their grants to support their education and professional development in the finance industry.

“Congratulations to William and Eileen, who embody the Toigo Foundation’s commitment to excellence, leadership, and change,” said ICI President and CEO Paul Schott Stevens, who is also a member of the ICIEF board. “Building a more diverse and inclusive financial services industry is critical, and one key will be fostering the careers of promising young people from underrepresented groups. ICIEF looks forward to using its ongoing partnership with the Toigo Foundation to help create an industry that incorporates, recognizes, and elevates people of all backgrounds, races, and cultures.”

“I’m thrilled and honored to receive this grant from ICIEF and the Toigo Foundation. As I complete my MBA and work to become a portfolio manager, I will continue to pursue my long-term goal: advocating for including more underrepresented minorities and diverse perspectives within all levels of asset management,” stated Bryant.

“Thank you to ICIEF and the Toigo Foundation for awarding me this scholarship,” said Gao. “Interning and working at mutual fund firms inspired me to hone my research, analytical, and investing skills so I can become a portfolio manager and help future clients achieve long-term financial success.”

ICIEF started its partnership with the Toigo Foundation in April 2019 and recently made a five-year commitment to help further fund the foundation’s important efforts to nurture the career advancement and increased leadership of underrepresented talent in the finance industry, as well as in similar industries. ICIEF is the educational affiliate of ICI and partners with schools, government agencies, and other nonprofit organizations to develop, deliver, and promote investment education programs.